Sunday, November 9, 2014


Hi friends!

Today something happened.
So, I told you that I used to like My Little Pony on my first blog entry.


Well... I think that's changing. Or today was just a really weird day and I was having mixed emotions. 

... Anyway... I was listening to music by the bronies who do that kinda stuff, and it reminded me of last year. I know, I get nostalgic over things like that.
I used to listen to the music all the time when I was hellbent about the show and all that.

I dunno, I'll watch some MLP on Netflix and see if I actually still like it.

If I do, cool. If I don't, cool.

I dunno. :P

So, I don't know if I told any of you... But since I'm such a desperate fangirl, I did a hashtag on Twitter to go to New Mexico to visit the set of The Scorch Trials (the 2nd Maze Runner movie)...


Well, the contest or whatever it's called ends tomorrow, and they're just selecting someone randomly.

I'M NOT STUPID, I know I'm not going to win.
My chances are slim.
I literally only did the hashtag twice.

I would LOVE to win though... But I don't get to have nice things like that.


It would be probably the best thing ever to happen to me... *goes and cries in a corner*

I'm just a nobody though, and I'm not the only one. XD

So... This was kind of a weird post.

I guess I'll go now.

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